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Lead in paragraph dolor sit amet elit. Omnis voluptate distinctio reprehenderit, autem deleniti ad. Optio ea aperiam nisi distinctio nemo repellat, voluptate fugiat. Quidem neque illum, blanditiis!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis voluptate distinctio reprehenderit, autem deleniti ad voluptatum eaque. Optio ea aperiam nisi distinctio nemo repellat, voluptate fugiat. Quidem neque illum, blanditiis!

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Headline Text

In the above code, querySelectorAll is used to retrieve all elements with the class “js-product-sort” and store them in the productSortElements variable. The forEach loop is then used to iterate through each.

Headline Text

In the above code, querySelectorAll is used to retrieve all elements with the class “js-product-sort” and store them in the productSortElements variable. The forEach loop is then used to iterate through each.

Headline Text

In the above code, querySelectorAll is used to retrieve all elements with the class “js-product-sort” and store them in the productSortElements variable. The forEach loop is then used to iterate through each.

Example Button

Headline Text

In the above code, querySelectorAll is used to retrieve all elements with the class “js-product-sort” and store them in the productSortElements variable. The forEach loop is then used to iterate through each.


Headline text here

Content, In the above code, querySelectorAll is used to retrieve all elements with the class “js-product-sort” and store them in the productSortElements variable. The forEach loop is then used to iterate through each.

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